First Chiropractic Visit At
Prestidge Chiropractic

You do not need a referral to come and see our chiropractors. Plan on spending up to one hour with us and please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to complete some paperwork. We also ask that you please bring any x-rays or scans you may have.
The examination will include:
Postural evaluation
Skin temperature differential instrumentation with the NervoScope to highlight areas of inflammation
Static and Motion palpation
Orthopaedic testing
Neurological testing
Muscle strength/length assessment
Specific Chiropractic tests and procedures

If clinically indicated your Chiropractor may suggest taking digital x-rays on site with images available instantly to assist in your diagnosis.
X-rays are taken for a number of reasons including:​
To determine the condition of the discs (the cushions between the vertebrae in your spine)
To determine if there is any degeneration, and if so how severe it is
To locate potential problem areas
To rule out other pathologies (disease)
"To see is to know, To not see is to guess"
Gonstead doctors don’t want to guess at your health care, and x-rays are an important tool of analysis which will assist in providing you with the best quality care.

Explaining the cause is important because it provides you with an understanding of how your problem arose and how to prevent a reoccurrence
Your Chiropractor will discuss the findings with you
We will give you an opinion as to what your complaint is and how it got there
A personalised management plan is developed to treat your presentation
If the diagnosis is one that requires further investigation or specialist intervention we will refer you to an appropriate practitioner
Management Plan
A management plan includes:​
Chiropractic adjustments
Soft tissue work and massage
Ergonomic advice
Exercise counselling
Nutritional counselling
'Laser Therapy" also known as Photo-biomodulation and Foot Levellers
We may suggest the application of ice, heat to help manage your symptoms and make you more comfortable